Alarm++ for Windows can solve your reminder and scheduling needs. It lets you create multiple alarms, each of which can be set to go off at various intervals, from simple (every other Wednesday or every year) to complex (the first and last Friday of every third month). Along with displaying a message, each alarm can run an application, play a sound, open a folder, send e-mail, or go to a Web site. Scheduled applications can be used to run programs unattended (like doing late-night backups, printing, or faxing). Scheduled e-mail can be used to send a reminder to someone while you're on vacation. Alarm++ stays unobtrusively in your system tray or can be minimized on your task bar. Its autosave feature means that you never have to worry about losing your alarms to a system crash. Alarm++ has an attractive Windows look-and-feel with a toolbar and tabbed dialogs.